TNA Impact Wrestling Preview for 2/16/17 – Broken Hardys in Mexico

Tonight’s TNA Impact Wrestling has the Broken Hardys in Mexico, Rosemary/Crazy Steve Vs Brandi Rhodes/Moose and a new Fact of Life with Eli Drake!

The Expedition of Gold goes South of the border on tonight’s Impact Wrestling! The Hardys will embark on a trip to Tijauna in an attempt to capture more championship gold. Will Vanguard 1 play a part in helping the Hardys add one more notch to their global legacy?

Rosemary has been on an absolute tear since winning the Monster’s Ball match against Jade. She is making a case for the Top 5 in women’s wrestling every time she steps into the ring or unleashes a promo.

Rosemary’s latest infatuation, Brandi Rhodes, has refused to join Decay despite a generous offer. Now she faces Decay as Crazy Steve and Rosemary will face former Mike Bennet protege Moose and Brandi Rhodes in a tag-team match. Remember Abyss might be lurking around the ring at any time, anywhere, ready to appear Luke Harper style.

An all new Fact of Life is ready to be dished out by late night host-in training Eli Drake on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Eli Drake has constantly stolen the show through these Fact of Life segments and is one of TNA’s breakout stars. A natural on the mic, late 2016 established Drake has a big time player, a main eventer in TNA. A draw, potentially an immense draw if Impact Wrestling keeps booking Drake the way he should be. They’ll have to keep Drake happy if they intend to make sure he doesn’t leave for greener pastures.

It was inevitable that The Wolves would break up, you can’t have a full time World Champion and part time tag team partner. Davey Richards loathing of Eddie Edwards success has been brewing since he returned from injury and now at its boiling point.

Richards cost Edwards his Impact Wrestling World Championship in a match against Bobby Lashley by pulling the ref out of the ring in an opportune time. Then Richard’s wife Angelina Love proceeded to take out Edwards’ wife Alexxis Nevaeh in the stands. Best of friends make bitterest of enemies as the fallout continues on tonight’s edition of Impact Wrestling.

The Laurel Van Ness, Allie, Braxton love triangle continues as Braxton is now set to marry Laurel Van Ness in 8 days. Will Braxton give into pressure from the first lady of wrestling Maria Kanellis-Bennett? Can Allie just stand by while the potential love of her life slips away?

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