TNA Impact Wrestling Preview for 3/2/17: Rosemary Vs Jade

TNA Impact Wrestling sees Decay’s Rosemary take on a departing Jade for the TNA Knockouts Championship tonight. Major talent departing TNA.

TNA Impact Wrestling is going through massive changes. First of all, one of the biggest storylines in TNA and wrestling period ‘The Broken Hardys’ are gone. Feeling disrespected by the company they kept afloat and alive in the mainstream for all of 2016.

Last week’s Impact Wrestling featured an Attitude era-like classic in Laurel Van Ness-Braxton Sutter’s Wedding… Now the primary antagonists in the Allie saga, Maria Kanellis Bennett and ‘The Miracle’ Mike Bennett have left the building. Drew Galloway who faces Moose tonight for the Impact Grand Wrestling Championship is leaving. Former Knockouts Champion Jade, who’s currently feuding with Decay’s Rosemary also on her way out.

Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Mantel are back to running the show like the old days of NWA TNA. Whether things would have been different talent-wise and creatively with the Smashing Pumpkins’ Billy Corgan at the throne is a good what-if. As music licensing is concerned (Decay is a great example) definitley, and he liked what ‘the Broken Hardys’ were doing and where they taking wrestling.

Now we’re at a crossroads. The defacto new main attraction of TNA is Rosemary/Decay and while she can more than handle the responsibility, wrestling is always better with great antagonists to play off of. The Broken Hardys/Decay feud pushed the Decay faction into the limelight and greatly evolved Rosemary’s character inside and outside of the ring. She evolved with the storyline as did Abyss and Crazy Steve.

Eli Drake, already on the brink of main eventing will now be one of TNA Impact’s main draws. Before you could have built Eli Drake with established names in Wrestling in the Hardys to make WWE fans become acquainted with Drake like Decay has. Now that option is gone. James Storm and EC3 will be one of the few TNA built stars that remain as established names at the company.

You could say based on Jade leaving in real life this match will likely go to Rosemary retaining the Knockouts title. Which she should either way as she’s Impact Wrestling’s biggest name right now as it pertains expanding the fan base. Rosemary’s character is fresh and her wide appeal to an untapped fanbase is something to watch. Just like Raven’s grungy character and flock brought new pairs of eyes on WCW, Rosemary can do the same for TNA Impact Wrestling. This should be a great final match between Rosemary and Jade to finish the feud. Great chemistry in the ring between the two.

The Cody/Moose feud is on to an excellent start. You couldn’t help but cheer for Cody, a man who’s been away over at NJPW while another wrestler attempts to step in on his wife. This is a long term storyline and judging by Brandi Rhodes looking back after Cody hit the Crossroads, the tension will only be growing. A heel turn by Brandi on Moose would be the best twist to push a refreshing narrative with an eventually Bullet Club invasion led by Cody. Imagine Kenny Omega making an appearance in Impact Wrestling.

On one side Drew Galloway is leaving Impact Wrestling, so he seems likely to drop the belt to Moose. Then Cody interfering and costing Moose the chance at becoming a 2-time Grand Champion would be the most obvious match ending. Difficult to say if Galloway drops the belt tonight or hands it back behind closed doors and leaves the company like the Broken Hardys.

MMA is alive and well in TNA Impact Wrestling with former UFC Heavyweight Champ Josh Barnett facing Bobby Lashley for the TNA World Championship. Lashley will likely retain but this should be an on-going feud for a while and the match probably finished with Lashley winning in underhanded fashion. Maybe an interference, it’s too early for a clean pin at this stage of the game.

One of Impact Wrestling’s most underrated stars Trevor Lee will face his former tag-team partner Andrew Everett for the X Division title. Sure to be an excellent wrestling match between the two X Division talents. Trevor Lee probably takes home the gold… Though it wouldn’t surprise to see Everett take the belt and make Trevor Lee chase the title for a while.

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